Bride furious at maid-of-honor for leaving suddenly because her son was in the hospital

Aabha Gopan
2 min readSep 14, 2022


Photo by Jonathan Borba

A wedding is a wonderful part of a person’s life, and they most probably would move hell and heaven to make it perfect. Nevertheless, there always will be matters more important than a wedding, like a medical emergency.

The bride and the groom should be able to understand this and shouldn’t make a scene over a guest leaving their perfect wedding because of an emergency.

But what if the person leaving isn’t just a guest but the maid-of-honor?

This topic was highlighted in a recent Reddit post in which a bride gets angry at her sister, who was also the maid-of-honor, for leaving to the hospital because her son hit his head.

Woman leaves before sister’s wedding ceremony started

The author starts the post by saying that she and her sister are twins, so they’re close and best friends. While the author has two children (a 3-year-old and a one-year-old child), her twin sister is child-free by choice. Although her sister had never volunteered to babysit the children, she was always loving to them.

It was her sister’s wedding last Friday. The author was the maid-of-honor and was responsible for a few things. She also asked a bridesmaid for help and kept her involved.

Since the wedding was child-free, the author left the kids with her in-laws while she and her husband reached the venue 2 hours early. But about 10 minutes before the wedding started, the author got a call saying that her youngest son had hit his head and was being taken to the hospital.

The author briefed the bridesmaid who helped her about the things that were left to do and informed her sister (the bride), who had a meltdown saying the author couldn’t leave her on her special day. The bride also accused the author of choosing her son over her sister. At one point, the author got angry and said, “Yes, I choose my son,” and left to the hospital.

The author’s son was fine. He got two stitches but had no internal trauma. She switched on her phone after his health condition was confirmed and called her sister. Her sister enquired about the boy’s health and learned that the injury was minor. She shouted at the author for abandoning her on her special day without any family (no parents or grandparents in the picture).

The bride also accused the author of leaving her responsibilities to someone who didn’t do it properly and embarrassed her.

Now the author wonders whether she should have at least put her husband in charge and attended the reception.

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Aabha Gopan

Loving human minds while changing my toddler's diaper.